Sunday, July 25, 2010

I will not Cry next time

Orphan -I got its real essence today 
The calm sea low tides Cool breezes Sunday evening and a book what else one need foraccomplishment of perfect weekend,that too if you are teetotaler.But here it rang not once but twice and you cannot ignore this becausei tsyour boss on the other side. I have used the term "its"as for me the term boss never give a notion of their gender.Boss is always a boss.
Anyways the lousy beahviour of my cellphone wasenoughto distract my mind already overwhelming with abrupt thoughts ranging from personal to international issues, thanksto Shashi Tharoors intellectashis essays are giving me fodder for thoughts.With a little hesitation I pressed the accept button to receive some electromagnetic signal in form of voice signal.On the other side of electronic divider was my boss with a thick Tamil accent,nothing new in it.The callerhad agiven me a short notice of 10 minutes to get dressed and be ready to meet a group of children at a child home .;;


When i was child almost two decades ago,definitely not a short period unless you are in love, I always envy the elders for everything be it their long hairs,be it their Formal dresses and mostly their freedom as I could not have any one of those at that time.But gradually as I grew up chasing the dreams(which were never mine but an imposed one), I felt that these materialistic objective has taken the toll of my innocence ,something which make me envious to children today.Thats a very intresting human pschycology which leaves me spellbound,as I look back on those days when I was dreaming for such days having long hairs,branded dress,sea facing house(although its a rented but who cares )but today I wanna weep for the sake of those past days.

Thats a irony with mankind we are never ready to cherish the present ,maybe Gods Curse.;

Ten minutes have passed and the technological advancement has enabled me to get in touch with anothercolleague .Exactly after15min the first ring of my electronic device I long with my colleague cum friend was at the entrance of a child home.;

The first glance of children home with a group of children enjoying their dinners gave me an impression
 of some village feast .To much of my surprise they didnt missed a chance to greet me at top of their voice.Good evening sir ,I hardly remember anyone calling me SIR Except few MTC(MadrasTransportCorporation ,thanks god new emperors havent changedthe traditional name with which I can easily relate my feeling for this city )conductors in last 2years.As I entered into the premises a smiling gesture of a lady ,who seemed to be on right side of 60s ,welcomed me.I galloped into the couch and adjusted my posture to make myself comfortable.;I exchanged few words with my boss and her friend just a sign of courtsey.

Till here all was well....The saga of emotions unfolds now ;

My comfort /was all lost when rays from a pair of eyes collided with the walls of my eyeballs.The silence and darkness of those eyes torpedoed my feel of a lazy weekend .I suddenly realized that its not a feast where childrens from surrounding had gathered to enjoy the dinner,it was an orphanage . 35 childrens and only one mother with short length cane in her hand,I am not blaming her for it.;

;Being a child I remember How I used to scream with mom out of sight even for a moment .The feeling of being all alone in his world ,that too in childhood, tores me apart .The frozen eyes and deep sadnes s was quite prevalant on the faces of children ,tears rolled down my cheeks sending  signals to my motor veins leading me to situation of public display of anxiety (PDA) ,I hate PDAs more than the crows who deprive meof my sleep exactly at 6 o'clock. Yup thats another intresting factI have discovered about madras(god save me from the fury of nouveau emperors) city here you would be awaken by cawing of crows rather than cockoo of cock .Does the complexion chauvinism exist in birds also who might have driven away other species from their kingdom ? I am planning to make a short film on this topic- Chauvinism in Bird Kingdom. ;

Although sadness was easily visible still some overjoyed boys were able to gave me an impression that despite in this despaired situation where one can express sympathy with them but cannot share their grief .My rolling tears gave me a new meaning of word orphan.It was a situation where I felt extreme difficulty in maintaining my composure and serenity.;

Another most remarkable thing that I noticed there was their sense of discipline where everyone came to collect their food in a synchronied manner without any haste as I usually notice in my office cafeteira better to call it a field where cattles compete against each other to graze a largerportion of field ;Being denied the right to live a affectinate life their sense of discipline is really worth praising.;

God bless those brave hearts....who are born with a CURSE of being an ORPHANand I promise I will not let my tears roll down as they make mockery of  others sorrowness .

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